Page not found (404)

Request Method: GET
Request URL:

Using the URLconf defined in manufacturegenerale.urls, Django tried these URL patterns, in this order:

  1. ^serviceworker.js$
  2. ^manifest.json$
  3. ^ ^$ [name='home']
  4. ^ ^v2/$ [name='v2']
  5. ^ ^blog/$ [name='blog']
  6. ^ ^blog/(?P<slug>[0-9A-Za-z-_.//]+)/$ [name='blog']
  7. ^ ^index/$
  8. ^ ^studio/$ [name='studio']
  9. ^ ^realisations/$ [name='realisations']
  10. ^ ^realisations-v2/$ [name='realisations2']
  11. ^ ^labo/$ [name='labo']
  12. ^ ^local/$ [name='local']
  13. ^ ^communication/(?P<slug>[0-9A-Za-z-_.//]+)/$ [name='communication']
  14. ^ ^photographie-architecture-immobilier-ecommerce/$ [name='photographie']
  15. ^ ^site-internet-vitrine/$ [name='site-internet']
  16. ^ ^applications-mobiles/$ [name='applications']
  17. ^ ^flyers-plaquettes-commerciales-et-impression/$ [name='print']
  18. ^ ^videos-publicitaires/$ [name='videos']
  19. ^ ^erp-odoo-sur-Agen/$ [name='odoo']
  20. ^ ^investissement-startup/$ [name='investissement']
  21. ^ ^logo-suspendu/$ [name='logo-suspendu']
  22. ^ ^sw.js [name='sw.js']
  23. ^amp/
  24. ^contact/
  25. ^contact2/
  26. ^devis/
  27. ^agence/
  28. ^lp/
  29. ^boutique/
  30. ^crm/project/
  31. ^artistes/
  32. ^agenda/
  33. ^sav/
  34. ^sondage/
  35. ^revue-de-presse/
  36. ^sitemap\.xml$ [name='django.contrib.sitemaps.views.sitemap']
  37. ^robots\.txt$
  38. ^jet/
  39. ^jet/dashboard/
  40. ^admin/

The current URL, project/resources/img/fullsize/villa-oceane.jpg, didn't match any of these.

You're seeing this error because you have DEBUG = True in your Django settings file. Change that to False, and Django will display a standard 404 page.